Selasa, 21 April 2009

Make Money

There’s a brand new Membership site that has 5 websites you get that make money for you automatically – and you can get them in just 6 minutes from now – all with just 1-click!

You can literally get 5 powerful websites that are already making money!

I’m NOT joking – I’ll show you PROOF in a moment!

But what you need to know most is this:

You get…

  1. 5 amazing websites!
  2. 5 websites that convert sales automatically!
  3. 5 websites that forcibly put money directly into your pocket!
  4. 5 websites that are run by another firm for you (and at NO charge!)
  5. 5 websites that continue to promote for you over & over!
  6. 5 websites that grow & cultivate 5 separate proven lists!
  7. 5 websites that function automatically (so you never run it!)
  8. And 5 websites that you get Free HOSTING for!

And again, they all come in a very easy-to-use Members Area you get your own private Username & Password LOGIN to!

It’s rumored that the husband and wife couple who operate the sites may either LIMIT how many people are allowed in, or at the very least “choke” down the flow of new Members so as not to let just anybody get in.

It’s also been speculated that they may stop offering anymore “5-Site Set” Memberships after some time (and without notice) just to keep competition “alive and well” (but who really knows?)

Regardless of which, it’s clearly understood that once you’re in, *YOU’RE IN!* (So don’t waste time, or worse still: DO NOT RISK IT!)



Here is the link in case you’re smart and want in just like me and the few others who’ve found this so far:

~~~> Cash Making Power Sites

**Just DON’T be shocked in case when you get there they’re closed to any “NEW” Members!

(But just don’t say I didn’t warn you!)

Paid to Review

Paid Review has a good chance at this point, many of the online business focus on the business itself this one, not only because diverting enough to review the website / blog the other dollar but paid using private blog that is mumpuni can run this business, but some people have for the business are difficult to follow because of various things. According to the experience that I still have 3 newbie ereksi major problem in the business, namely:
1. Does not understand the blog / website
2. Domain name does not have any blog / website that has a page rank (pr) is a high traffic or a lot
3. The difficulty in conducting a review in English

3 Problems can be solved in a way:

1. Not mengeri the blog / website
If the problem this one does not know how it is LEARN create a blog, this is the era of hi-tech and Internet needs for the young is not only an email address and Friendster blog but also need to pour ideas, a place to share to others to be used for search for sustenance. Create a blog for newbie / beginner I suggest using a cms WordPress (WP) because of the ease and WP users are recommended to create a blog for beginners.

2. Domain name does not have any blog / website that has a page rank (pr) is a high traffic or a lot
This problem can be solved by buying second-hand domain (one of my hobby) that has been cooked, it means the domain has been eligible to be included in the review because it has paid the rather pr above 2 or 3 visits and has a rather large, 50-100 people per day, although I think this number is small.

To buy used domain ready can easily find it in forums like Digital Point, Surabaya Adsense, or can also NamePros to a blog in the before buying and do biasakan CHECK & RICEK in to check if the domain prnya valid or fake (counterfeit) and link popularity checks that domain name, the more the better, and I suggest that the total number amounted to at least 100.

3. The difficulty in conducting a review in English
Problem is easy to solve:) when we do not master the English language cas bah cus smiling to be my good (hammer style) can rent / use the services content writer aka author of the website such as who provide services to review affordable to help friends who follow the pr and many other content writer who lie around on the internet live select-select matches:)

For friends who want to become more expert in the review can be paid to visit blogs intimate friend, but I IndraDiky (loh-looking people) and do not forget to join the Forum Adsense Surabaya (forum for free, and open to the public), and here we can mutually exchange experience on business online on the internet including paid review.

Tags: Paid Reviews, Paid to Review (PTR), Trick Play, Content Writer, Domain Names, Blog, Website, Website, Online Business, Online Business.

Paid to Share

First of all, thank you to all members of this program, whether you have been around for over two years, or just a few days. I appreciate all of your efforts in using the PaidToShare website. Several of you have been around since the beta release in December of 2005, others since the public release in March of 2006, with the rest joining sometime between then and now.

The time has come to shut down the website and move on. Since around the beginning of the new year, I have not put nearly enough time into keeping PaidToShare staying steady and going forward. This is unacceptable on my part, and I cannot and will not continue to run the program with less than the members and sponsors deserve.

The $1.00 minimum PayPal payment requirement has been waived, and all members with at least $0.01 balance, PayPal selected and payment information completed have been paid their full balance. Amazon and the other methods do not have a possible or feasible $0.01 payment amount (for example, Amazon does not sell gift certificates below $5.00), so if you have selected another payment method, please respond to the email that directed you here, and I will do my best to get a payment to you one way or another. If you did not have payment information provided, please also respond and and you will be shown what is necessary so that we can complete your payment as well. In case you have lost or not received the email, the proper email address for contact is:

Although I am unsure of what will be done with the website and domain name (whether they will be sold or not), I can assure you that your email addresses and other information will not be sold. If the domain name and/or website content are sold, that will be done without the database and any personal information.

Finally, please forgive me for not providing the care needed here over the past two months. Although many factors have been involved, there is no excuse to be made, because I did not provide what I should have.

I wish you well.

Learning to Play forex

For some people, the transaction is an activity that 'fun'. Among others, because the foreign exchange rate fluctuation. unfortunately they can participate in the play most of this business is the people who have even more excess cash.

Marketiva deliberately used as one of the options trading because it gives the real cash as much as $ 5 free cash for real trading, and $ 10,000 for a demo or virtual trading.
In addition to not collect a commission, Marketiva also provides the latest news, such as: alert, message, chart tool, and a very minimal capital ($ 1) to learn and start trading.

Paid for Happy

Have a predilection to play games that can make money also. You can play with the time lost when it cut through fraudulent play games with the condition or gifts that we sometimes get quite bearable.
game-game online.

Address for Paid to Play Games
To join and become a player, simply through the form provided and you can play in some of the following site address.

Game such as online stock market simulation, where participants can make sale-purchase transaction with the capital stock virtual. At the end of the round, the participants with the highest portfolio value will get a prize of $ 100, paid through Paypal.

This game gives the images a $ 10 prize to the winner. Also be paid through Paypal. In this game, each participant can only take one game per week.

Online game that will give you the 'capital' of $ 100,000 to play. The accuracy of the game as a matter or events, such as:

* What is Hillary Clinton will occupy seats on the presidential election in 2013?
* Will Britney Spears get trophies akan Oscar this year?

The winner will receive a prize of $ 100. In addition to guess, each participant can also be funny to sell to participants before the period ended guess.

Playing games in Moola sangant interesting, because the money earned will be increased if we menagkan a game. Unfortunately, sometimes we have to wait too long other players who will play as our opponents pile.

This game is done with the other players told to click on a link. Each link is clicked by a player, you will get the money. At the end of the period, with the most money will be given a prize of $ 100 through Paypal.

Starting to Play Games
we will take contih in, write answers to questions that have no registration. then, input the name and address. Then click Submit.

On this site, you should already have a Paypal account. Because the gift will be sent by payment through Paypal. If you win, there will be answers via email.


YSP Tutorial